Stop-motion objects advert: Inanimate objects move around the table and then objects around the rest of the room move as well. The person then plays with the objects.
Different activities advert: A person is bored, they then get enlightened to spend their time doing fun things. There will be 5 different activities that the protagonist is shown doing. One cuts to another in quick fashion to make a montage of shots and then there will be a close-up of the protagonist breathing out a little tired but satisfied as he/she eats the chocolate. Activities may include Ping-Pong, playing a videogame, cooking etc. The voiceover with the slogan will appear again.
Sponsorship advert sequence: There will be three 10 second adverts, each one will show a different activity being done. The audience will get a very brief look at the product and get some information on it through a voiceover.
Radio advert: A young male voice speaks in an enthusiastic tone. Dialogue will use an imperative and fun, light-hearted music will be made in the background.
How does your stop motion advert link with the different activities advert and the sponsorship sequences? Apart from the slogan in the two TV adverts of course?