Thursday 11 October 2012

Wrapper photoshop skills

I already had some practice at making a chocolate bar wrapper but I had to develop my skills on photoshop. The creation of the chocolate bar wrapper helped me to identify the style and appealing aesthetic qualities I need to put across in my adverts. 

I started the design by drawing the outline for a rectangular wrapper, in pencil, that would be folded down the middle. I then used a scanner to surn the paper drawing into a .jpeg file which was then opened in photoshop CS6.  
On the same layer as the scanned in outline, I used the pen tool to set a pathway around each letter of the 'Honey's' logo and then filled in the stroke path by right-clicking then selecting the brush tool. The brush size was too thick at first so I made it smaller so that the black outline of each letter looked less over-bearing. I also used the pen tool in the same way to put a black outline around the sides of the wrapper to make it look bold and pristine. I used the quick selection tool and highlighted all the unwanted space then deleted it to that it was left blank.
After taking a picture of honey on my phone and then putting it on the computer, I made a new layer on the same document and pasted the honey image  into this layer. This layer would be behind the initial layer so that the honey can be seen behind the black outlines. I used the smudge tool to make the honey look more like it is flowing and fluid. The orange and yellow hues are eye-catching.

To make the whole design feel more honey based I made another new layer and pasted a picture of a hexagon so that I could make the background seem like a honeycomb. Using the free transform tool I rotated the pentagon to a more appealing angle. I had to copy, paste and align each hexagon to get the effect of a hoeycomb. I chose to make it white becuase orange and white seems to be an alluring yet underused combination.

The hexagons appeard behind the black outline layer but in front of the honey layer so I had to select the hexagon layer at the same time as keeping all three layers on so that I could use the rubber tool to get rid of the white hexagons which were inside of the logo. This was done to make the logo stand out since it kept only the oranges and yellows of the honey which also gives it the effect of looking like it is in front of the rest of the wrapper design.

The overall design is original in that therearen't really any commercial brand honey flavoured  chocolate bars in the UK which takes advantage of the gap in the market and so the design of the orange and white will make full use of the appeal of the honey flavour by having the entire design focus of the honey aspect. I can develop this plain wrapper design further by adding logos, information and nutritional information on the other side. I plan to show the wrapper in the shape of a chocolate bar in the adverts so the creation of the wrapper was necessary; even more so with the fact that it is a new product and so consumers will have no idea what to look out for if it is not shown to them.

1 comment:

  1. I like the design of your wrapper. I think it will be very appealing. As honey is the main ingredient in your chocolate bar then this needs to be reflected in your adverts.
