Tuesday 6 November 2012

Radio Advert Script

[A phone rings while office noises can be heard, the phone is picked up]

Office worker: Hello customer servi-

Mysterious voice: Would you rather be stuck in this dull office than be free out there?

Office worker: What... sorry, who is this?

Mysterious voice: Honey's.

[A teleportation noise is made and the faint office noises stop]

[In a panicked voice] Office worker: Where am I!?

Mysterious voice: You're water skiing.

[Water can be heard being sprayed]

Office worker: Waaaaah. I didn't bring waterproof clothes

[A teleportation noise is made again]

Office worker: Is that a bull?

[A crowd reaction and the noise of a rampaing bull can be heard]

Mysterious voice: Oleee!

Office Worker: Why is it so hot all of a sudden?

[Another teleportation noise is made]

[The office worker sighs in content and exhuastion whilst office noises are in the background again]

Office worker: What was that?

Mysterious voice: The delectable taste of a honey-filled chocolate: Honey's, sweet time well spent.

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