Sunday 14 April 2013

Audience Feedback Evaluation

For the audience feedback section of the evaluation, I asked a few people questions about my practical work and noted down their replies.

Do you think the adverts are typical of chocolate bar adverts?
'They aren't that typical because one of them uses stop-motion which isn't common in chocolate bar adverts.'
'Yes, since they all show or mention the product being consumed.'

Does anything from the adverts make them standout amongst other adverts?
'One of the adverts showed a person doing physical activity during the daytime and night-time which is unique for chocolate adverts.'
'The stop-motion advert didn't have any people in it which was unusual but interesting.'

Do the adverts work in promoting the product? Why?
'They make the product seem like something that can help you have fun so the adverts promote it well.'
'The chocolate is promoted well because it keeps getting mentioned so I thought of it when I watched or listened to the throughout adverts.'

Name two interesting or impressive elements included in the ancillary tasks.
'The radio advert had the character unwillingly go to lots of different locations which was amusing and  I found the music changes impressive.'
'The music in the sponsorships were catchy and I thought the cup game they played was interesting.'

How could these adverts be stronger in influencing the audience?
'Apart from the radio advert and short voiceovers, they didn't have any speech which might have connected better to the audience instead of just actions.'
'I think only males were used in the adverts so if  females were used in one or two of them then a bigger female section of the audience could be influenced.

Can you sum up the brand image of the chocolate bar in a short sentence?
'It is enthusiastic, adventurous and knows how to spend it's time well.'
'It's sweet and fun and it would appeal to someone who's looking for a snack.'

Through this feedback I have learned that my adverts generally stuck to the conventions of chocolate bar adverts but also engaged the viewer in creative ways which made the promotion of the product effective. I also learnt that I could have added or involved certain features to make the adverts better at catching the audience's attention such as by having speech and women more prevalent in them.

Tuesday 6 November 2012

Radio Advert Script

[A phone rings while office noises can be heard, the phone is picked up]

Office worker: Hello customer servi-

Mysterious voice: Would you rather be stuck in this dull office than be free out there?

Office worker: What... sorry, who is this?

Mysterious voice: Honey's.

[A teleportation noise is made and the faint office noises stop]

[In a panicked voice] Office worker: Where am I!?

Mysterious voice: You're water skiing.

[Water can be heard being sprayed]

Office worker: Waaaaah. I didn't bring waterproof clothes

[A teleportation noise is made again]

Office worker: Is that a bull?

[A crowd reaction and the noise of a rampaing bull can be heard]

Mysterious voice: Oleee!

Office Worker: Why is it so hot all of a sudden?

[Another teleportation noise is made]

[The office worker sighs in content and exhuastion whilst office noises are in the background again]

Office worker: What was that?

Mysterious voice: The delectable taste of a honey-filled chocolate: Honey's, sweet time well spent.

Synopsis for adverts

Stop-motion objects advert: Inanimate objects move around the table and then objects around the rest of the room move as well. The person then  plays with the objects.
Different activities advert: A person is bored, they then get enlightened to spend their time doing fun things. There will be 5 different activities that the protagonist is shown doing. One cuts to another in quick fashion to make a montage of shots and then there will be a close-up of the protagonist breathing out a little tired but satisfied as he/she eats the chocolate. Activities may include Ping-Pong, playing a videogame, cooking etc. The voiceover with the slogan will appear again.

Sponsorship advert sequence: There will be three 10 second adverts, each one will show a different activity being done. The audience will get a very brief look at the product and get some information on it through a voiceover.

Radio advert: A young male voice speaks in an enthusiastic tone. Dialogue will use an imperative and  fun, light-hearted music will be made in the background.